Led By Dr Jed Atkinson
Monday 27th May 11.30am – 1.30pm
Click here to book tickets on Eventbrite
Where to Meet: The Beacon, Redcar seafront
Age Suitability: Recommended over 8s only
From hell in a handcart: recovery from mass extinction at Redcar
The Yorkshire Coast is one of the go to places for Jurassic-aged rocks. Most fossil enthusiasts and researchers head to the cliffs and foreshores around Whitby, overlooking sites such as Redcar. But the rocks at Redcar are hugely significant, not only are they the oldest exposed rocks on the Yorkshire coast, (comparable in age to Lyme Regis!) but they record life in the oceans shortly after a major mass extinction event.
On this field trip we’ll explore the fossil diversity and sedimentology of the Redcar Mudstone Formation, investigate the origins of the gryphaea-rich shell beds, and place this fabolous location into the wider context of ecological recovery following the end-Triassic mass extinction.
Bio: Dr Jed Atkinson completed his PhD at the University of Leeds, his thesis focused on how individual species responded to changing environmental conditions after a mass extinction event. For this he studied Lower Jurassic rocks up and down the country, including the sequence at Redcar.
Tickets Here

Led by Byron Blessed of fossils-uk.com
Monday 27th May
In the Footsteps of Dinosaurs is THE ORIGINAL Yorkshire Coast Fossil Tour, and the only scheduled public tour on the Yorkshire Coast to combine dinosaur footprints and fossil finding with qualified Earth Scientist guides.
The Fossil Festival Special will introduce visitors to the most famous geological sequence on the Yorkshire Coast – The Lower and Middle Jurassic rocks between the Whitby Mudstone and Saltwick Formation.
Suitable for Families including children over 6 years old, this walking tour covers 2 miles and almost 200 million years
For year-round Fossil Safaris along the Yorkshire Coast

Led by British Geological Survey, Yorkshire Geological Society, The Rock Showman and Fossiliam
Monday 27th May 11am – 2pm
Several activities at the same location
Speeton Sands, East Yorkshire
This Field Day location provides several activities. Participants can sign up to the BGS ‘Chalk Walk’ or join the social festival field day on Reighton Sands/Speeton to combine a fossil safari with erratic pebble spotting activity.
All events require significant walking and due to their remote location and difficult to access terrain, may not be suitable to young families or immobile participants. The location has no amenities or facilities other than a beach cafe at the start of a mile-long walk.
The start location is HERE – Reighton Sands, under beach cafe, Reighton Sands Holiday park.
The start location is 500m from NEAREST parking spaces, although on Bank Holiday Monday, the location is likely to be VERY busy, so parking may only be available a significantly further walk away. Participants must carry everything they require for the day, and dress sensibly for all weather.
TICKETS - Chalk Walk Gawk and Talk - with British Geological Survey
Speeton Pebble Spotting Safari
TICKETS - Speeton Fossil Safari